Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How can you punish that face?
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[ # ] How can you punish that face?
March 23rd, 2011 under Animals, Jimmy Kimmel

A man came home and found a hole in the kitty treats the size of one of his dogs’ teeth. So he went up to his first dog, Mason and asked him if he did it, but since he looked at his owner in the eyes and the mouth wasn’t the one that bit so he chose to acquit. Then he asked his second pup, Denver and she just hid her face in guilt, so he knew she was the guilty one and he sentenced her to the kennel. Well the golden lab knew she did wrong and with her held down she did her perp walk all the way over to her jail. I want to know how he can punish man’s best friend like that, especially one with a face like that? I mean Denver’s smile just melted my heart, and didn’t it do the same to yours? She knew she did wrong, she should’ve gotten probation.
BTW I saw the video on Jimmy Kimmel Live and this the show handled it…


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