Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Alec Baldwin steals Steve Martin’s thunder, but he hams it up!
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[ # ] Alec Baldwin steals Steve Martin’s thunder, but he hams it up!
March 17th, 2011 under Alec Baldwin, David Letterman, Steve Martin

Steve Martin was a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman and Alec Baldwin was in the audience. After they hosted the Oscars together last year, Alec Baldwin tied Steve Martin’s record of hosting Saturday Night Live the most at 15 times. It looks like it has made their relationship like their movie…and It’s complicated. Because as soon as Jack Donaghy heard he was on the show he made a run for 30 Rock.
Even though the Wild and Crazy guy seemed shocked by his Oscar co-hosts words, he was still able to steal the show back and ham it up during his interview. Who knew The Jerk had such a large Bowfinger down there? I think Alec Baldwin set him, don’t you?
Seriously how funny were both of those bits? They had me laughing out loud!


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