Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Matt Damon says George Clooney wants to adopt an 18 year old Russian girl
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[ # ] Matt Damon says George Clooney wants to adopt an 18 year old Russian girl
March 1st, 2011 under Ellen DeGeneres, Matt Damon

(photo from WireImage)

Matt Damon will be on Ellen tomorrow and besides revealing stuff about himself to her during his first appearance on the show, he also let her in on a secret about his Ocean’s 12 leader, George Clooney. Jason Bourne told her, “George Clooney used to have a joke. When people would say, ‘Are you going to have kids?’ And he’d say, ‘No, but I’m going to adopt an 18-year-old Russian girl.’ Laughs He was younger. It wasn’t so weird then.”
After reading what he said last week, I still think it was creepy of him to say it even if he was younger. That and aren’t his girlfriends barely over 18? I stopped keeping up with all the chicks, as he put it, f*cked.
Besides dishing on Clooney, he is also told how he met his wife and if they are going to have more kids. His answer to that is what led that slip up!

UPDATE: Ellen DeGeneres is kissing and Tweeting about Matt Damon being on her show for the first time.


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