Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did your pussy or bitch put on a few extra pounds during the holidays?
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[ # ] Did your pussy or bitch put on a few extra pounds during the holidays?
December 29th, 2010 under Animals, Jimmy Kimmel

via Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Has your cat or dog put on a few extra pounds eating with all those holiday leftovers and treats? Well thanks to Draggin’ to the Oldies and Humping to Techno they will be able to take it all off in no time. So order it now and they will be thanking you for a lifetime.
Oh and just FYI once they’ve gotten their figures back make sure to get your carpets steam cleaned because they are so desperately going to need it. I know I needed it after my pussy got her girlish shape back! BTW she gave the workout two paws up!!


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