Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Don’t forget to vote!!!
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[ # ] Don’t forget to vote!!!
November 2nd, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel, SOW Greetings

via Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Today is Election Day and if you are an American citizen over 18, don’t forget you have the privilege to vote so please do it. I am not going to tell you how or who to vote for, I’m just going to tell you to do it.
Side note: Jimmy Kimmel is going to have a big announcement on his show tomorrow night on ABC at 12:06a, but for some reason I can’t remember what it is. Gotta love Prop 19!!!

UPDATE: Yesterday on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon he had five puppies predict who would win as New York governor and it was total cuteness!!!

FINALLY: FunnyOrDie says it takes only 10 minutes to vote, so there is no excuse why you can’t do it if you are registered to vote!


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