Craig Ferguson has been on vacation for the last two weeks and by looking at this picture he Tweeted over the weekend, he grew that mandatory facial hair that all talk show hosts grow during their time off. So is that furry thing above his lip permanent? Thankfully it isn’t because after Tweeted that picture he said, “my moustache & I broke up. Creative differences. He’s going solo.” I heard a rumor the ‘stache isn’t as much going solo as it found a new face to grow on and that mug belongs to Geoff Petersen? Tune into CBS tonight at 12:37a when CraigyFerg returns from vacation to the
Late Late Show to see if that rumor that cutest blue eyed robot skeleton really did hook up with that grey handlebar.
BTW why did I say the mandatory time off facial hair? Because here is
Jimmy Kimmel half-way through his two week vacation with his vacay stubble in Chicago doing what he does best…eating.