Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Conan O’Brien reminds us to watch movies in the theater
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[ # ] Conan O’Brien reminds us to watch movies in the theater
March 2nd, 2025 under Conan O'Brien, Oscars

Conan O’Brien hosted the Oscars tonight. And he made a commercial to remind us to watch movies where they should be watched: in movie theaters and not at home on a smaller screen.

He is 100% correct. I saw Wicked, Inside Out 2, and Sing Sing in a darkened movie house, and I loved them! I watched Emilia Pérez and Conclave on my tablet and shut them both off before they ended.

There is just something magical about going to the theater. Even the worst movie still has some redeeming qualities there. At home, I can’t find any.

Now, if only they could lower the price of a ticket, that would really help.


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[ # 1270065 ] Comment from HiHat [March 3, 2025, 10:57 am]

My last visit to a movie theater was disastrous. First, ticket prices — even for a senior, even for a matinee show — had DOUBLED since before the pandemic.

Second, I could NOT get the fancy reclining seat to recline. I had to go get a staff member — TWICE! — to make the seat give me a comfortable seating position.

As for the concession stand prices — just stupid.

Given that I have an excellent home theater setup back in my ancient man cave, I have decided that will be my sole movie-watching venue until such time as the theaters drop their prices and fix their errant adjustable seats…

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