Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Leah Remini accidentally gave the answer on People Puzzler
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[ # ] Leah Remini accidentally gave the answer on People Puzzler
October 16th, 2024 under Lea Michele, Leah Remini

Leah Remini has been hosting People Puzzler on the Game Show Network for three seasons. Therefore, you would think that she would know that you are not supposed to give away the answer when reading the clue.

However, that is exactly what happened on an episode recently. While asking Erin what word goes after “O Brother, Where Art ____,” she accidentally said, “thou.” Thus revealing the answer.

As soon as she realized her mistake, she covered her mouth and then cowered behind her podium. Because what else are you going to do? That, and laugh it off.

I wish this happened more often because I like seeing game show hosts with imperfections and not being perfect like Ryan Seacrest tries to be.


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