Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lucy May is the baddest bitch in baseball!
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[ # ] Lucy May is the baddest bitch in baseball!
August 26th, 2024 under Animals, Sports figures

On Friday, Lucy May, 10 months old, made her baseball debut as the bat girl for the Clearwater Threshers.

How did it go? She scored a home run in the hearts of the crowd, even though she made a foul on the field.

During practice, she was introduced to the baseball fans, and immediately things went wrong. Her master let her off the leash to retrieve the bat, and instead, she ran away. She then went over towards first base and stopped. What did she do? She did a doo doo.

And with that, she is the star of the Philadelphia Phillies minor league team! Go, Lucy May!

Hopefully, she will be called up to the majors soon.

But until then, she isn’t going anywhere. The Threshers declared, “She’s over 6 years younger than Layla was when she started, so she’s still learning.

“She’s got lots of time until our home opener in April, and we know she’ll get it just right soon ”

For the first time since I lived in Miami and would go to NY Yankees vs NY Mets games, I am going to be watching minor league games.


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