Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Julia Louis-Dreyfus threw shots at Seth Meyers while Day Drinking
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[ # ] Julia Louis-Dreyfus threw shots at Seth Meyers while Day Drinking
June 12th, 2024 under Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seth Meyers

Seth Meyers and his friend Julia Louis-Dreyfus went Day Drinking, and I am not sure how strong their friendship will be afterward.

I don’t know if the Emmy-winning actress didn’t know what the segment Day Drinking was about, but she wasn’t up for drinking the concoctions the Late Night host made for her. In fact, she spit them out, partly because she didn’t like the taste and also because she was trying to remain classy.

So, when she got upset that she got some Jaggermeister on her shirt, he felt bad. So bad that he let her throw a shot at him. It was so bad that we all felt bad for her.

But not as much as when she missed a particular person’s name when she had to fill in the two blanks for people with three names. I missed it, too, and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

But not as much as my stomach when she played bartender and was forced to make fun of him. She couldn’t stop laughing, and I couldn’t stop laughing with her.

At the end of the day, we were all tired, but no one as much as Meyers. He didn’t even make it home before he needed to take a nap during the day. And he earned it because it is hard to drink by yourself during the day.

Oh, and I loved that she didn’t hesitate to tell Seth that the worst movie she ever made was Troll from 1986. It truly is awful.


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