Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jon Stewart is returning to The Daily Show!
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[ # ] Jon Stewart is returning to The Daily Show!
January 24th, 2024 under Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart is giving us a reason not to hate Mondays. That is because he is going to host The Daily Show on that day of the week through the election.

“Jon Stewart is the voice of our generation, and we are honored to have him return to Comedy Central’s ‘The Daily Show’ to help us all make sense of the insanity and division roiling the country as we enter the election season,” said Chris McCarthy, President/CEO of Showtime/MTV Entertainment Studios, in a statement to Variety. “In our age of staggering hypocrisy and performative politics, Jon is the perfect person to puncture the empty rhetoric and provide much-needed clarity with his brilliant wit.”

This is the smartest thing that Comedy Central has done in ages.

And who knows? Maybe Stewart will like doing the show so much once a week he will want to do it full-time again.

Oh, and on that note. The Daily Show correspondents will be hosting the show Tuesdays through Thursdays.

Stewart’s first show will be on February 12th.


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