Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Finally a Donald Trump mugshot!
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[ # ] Finally a Donald Trump mugshot!
August 24th, 2023 under Donald Trump, Mug Shot

Fulton County Sheriff’s Office

Finally, after years of waiting to see Donald Trump in a mugshot, the day has finally come. He was booked, fingerprinted, and smiled for the camera in the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office today. And it is a beautiful thing.

OK. He didn’t smile for the camera. He looks like the Devil. That is, if Satan was arrested for trying to fix an election because he couldn’t handle the fact that he lost. However, Lucifer is more likable than Trump, so I am sure he would win in a head-to-head election. I know I would vote for the Devil I Know over the one I don’t and don’t want to know.

And as soon as I saw his face, I imagined why he was so pissed. He was angry they didn’t kiss his ass and treat him like he is special as his worshippers do. I can’t believe how many fake Christians and Orthodox Jews believe in this antichrist over their Gds. Haven’t they read the 10 Commandments? You know the one that says, “Thou shalt have no other Gds before me.”

Today, I saw one of his followers say he is a modern-day Jesus Christ. Jesus died for her blasphemy, but he didn’t die for Trump’s sins. There is a special place for Trump in Hell. And he earned that place for being an awful person. And I am saying that as a New Yorker who knew what a disgusting person he was since I was a kid. Way before the rest of the world found out.

So I hope he goes to jail and never sees the White House again. I just wish my cousin was still alive to see it happen. But I am sure she is watching it all go down from Heaven.


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