Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Everyone is having a bad day on Animal Control tonight
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[ # ] Everyone is having a bad day on Animal Control tonight
April 6th, 2023 under Fox, Joel McHale

Tonight at 9p on Fox, today is not going to be a good day for the employees of Animal Control.

The episode starts off with Emily (Vella Lovell) seeing Shred (Michael Rowland) walking into the office with his girlfriend, who is visiting him. Just when she thought she had a chance with him, in comes his girlfriend. The lucky lady came with Shred to work so that she can invite everyone over for dinner to get to know them.

Before we get to that point, Frank (Joel McHale) is excited about Shred’s 10-week review as a probie. Frank being Frank gives him a bad one because he doesn’t want to have a partner.

As much as Frank doesn’t want a partner, he is going to need Shred when they have to go bring in a vicious dog that is so scary Seattle PD won’t go inside the house to capture him. So how will they get the hellhound under control?

They are not the only ones who have a bad day with an animal. Victoria (Grace Palmer) and Patel (Ravi V. Patel) have to dispose of a dead smelly sturgeon. They don’t want to deal with it, so they push it over to the side of Fish and Wildlife. The duo thinks they are in the clear until Fish and Wildlife decide to get their revenge on them. And it doesn’t stop there. You have to see what happens to this dead fish.

After a day like that, it will be nice to have a relaxing dinner with friends. What could go wrong? You just have to tune in to see.

That and to watch the best new comedy of the season. If you are not watching, then you are missing out on lots of laughs. And who doesn’t need to laugh on a Thursday?


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