Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Nick Cannon’s youngest son passed away this weekend
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[ # ] Nick Cannon’s youngest son passed away this weekend
December 7th, 2021 under Nick Cannon

Nick Cannon announced on his show today that his 4-month-old son Zen passed away on Sunday from a malignant brain tumor.

Cannon then went on to say that he noticed Zen had breathing issues, so he took him to the doctor. At some point, the baby was diagnosed with brain cancer. At first, they treated him by draining the fluid from his head, and it seemed to be working.

But then, around Thanksgiving, doctors informed Cannon and Alyssa Scott that the tumor was growing rapidly.

This weekend, Cannon spent as much time with his son in California before flying back to do his show in NYC. On Sunday morning, he and Scott took Zen to the beach to see the sunrise. It would be his last one because he died sometime after the sunset that day.

Cannon took yesterday off and returned to his show today. I hope the daytime talk show lets him take some time off if he needs it, which I am sure he will.

My condolences to Cannon and Scott. It is an unimaginable loss that no parent should ever have to suffer.


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