Seriously? OMG! WTF? » F*ck yeah, Nicolas Cage’s new Netflix show is the sh!t!
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[ # ] F*ck yeah, Nicolas Cage’s new Netflix show is the sh!t!
December 9th, 2020 under Netflix, Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage and Netflix have teamed up to give us a documentary that everyone will want to watch. History of Swear Words will delve into the backstories of the words f*ck, sh!t, bitch, dick, pussy, and damn.

Each of the six 20-minute episodes will feature interviews with experts and guest stars like Nikki Glaser, Jim Jefferies, Nick Offerman, and Sarah Silverman.

Too bad George Carlin is not alive to see this docuseries. He would have been so proud of how we have come since he told us about the seven words you cannot say on television.

Talking about people, who love to curse, I am surprised they didn’t ask the King of Cursing to host the show. Or did Samuel L. Jackson turn them down?

The History of Swear Words debuts on January 5th. Mark your calendars because you are not going to want to miss it.


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