Seriously? OMG! WTF? » The Tonight Show shows us how Donald Trump’s concession speech should sound
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[ # ] The Tonight Show shows us how Donald Trump’s concession speech should sound
November 23rd, 2020 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Fallon

Donald Trump lost the Presidential election to Joe Biden by a landslide in both the popular and the electorial vote. Yet, he refuses to concede.

Therefore, The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon decided to edit one together for him. Let’s just say it is a masterpiece. So much so, I say distribute it to all of the news stations real ones like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, The NY Times and The Washington Post, and the fake ones one Fox News, NewsMax, and OANN. Let them run it. Since people are so gullible these days, they will believe anything they see on TV or read in the papers and online.

So wait, let rephrase this post. Donald Trump gave a concession speech! It won’t really be him on January 20th being dragged out of the White House screaming and crying, “I won by landslide.”


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