Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dustin Hoffman and Jimmy Kimmel talk Brad Pitt’s balls
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[ # ] Dustin Hoffman and Jimmy Kimmel talk Brad Pitt’s balls
January 16th, 2009 under Brangelina, Jimmy Kimmel

Dustin Hoffman was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! promoting his new movie Last Chance Harvey and in order to get people to go see the movie he told us that there is a Brad Pitt nude scene. Which would be enough for me to see the movie. But both Jimmy and him go on to discuss what Brad Pitt’s balls look like. And let’s just say I have seen those nude pictures of Brad Pitt and they are wrong!!!
Tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live at 12:06a on ABC he has Evan Rachel Wood and Kevin James, and on Wednesday Thriving Ivory will be performing!

UPDATE: Here is the second part of the interview with Dustin Hoffman on Jimmy Kimmel Live! In this video he plays the piano, tells a dirty joke that Emma Thompson told told him, but the best part comes at 2:51 when Dustin Hoffman realizes that the adorable Guillermo has never seen any of his movies. You will be oooing, aaaing and laughing over all the cuteness that goes on between those two.

BTW the song he is singing is You’re The One That I Want!


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