Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2022
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Now we know why Marcus Coloma didn’t film his final General Hospital episodes
December 28th, 2022 under TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

(ABC/Craig Sjodin)

For some stupid reason, General Hospital opted not to renew Marcus Coloma’s contract, and we don’t know why.

When the actor was told that he would not be back in 2023, it was reported that he didn’t film his final episodes as Nikolas Cassadine. But we didn’t know why he didn’t film them. Now we know what happened. And it is not as salacious as we thought it was.

“As mentioned in a statement provided by ABC, we wanted to confirm that Marcus ‘will no longer be playing the role of Nikolas Cassadine. His last airdate will be at the end of January.’ Marcus has wrapped his 3-year contract with General Hospital and has thoroughly enjoyed working on the show with such a talented group of actors, writers, producers and directors,” his spokesperson wrote in a statement to Deadline. “Unfortunately, due to health issues with his recent Covid exposure, the network graciously agreed that he should not film the remaining few days of the year.”

Personally, I think General made a huge mistake. But as they say, “One man’s loss is another man’s gain.” Someone is going to gain his talent, and I can’t wait to see who does.


The thing this Wheel of Fortune contestant can do with his eyebrows!
December 28th, 2022 under Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: none ]

Tyler has a unique talent he can do with his eyebrows. So Pat Sajak asked him to show us what they can do when he was a contestant on Wheel of Fortune the other night.

What can they do? He can move them like a wave at a sports game. And for some reason, I find it highly erotic. So much so I am as wet as the sand after a wave rolls in.

Seriously, Tyler is a catch. Not only can he make his brows move like the motion of the ocean, but he is also a big Danny DeVito fan. What else do you need from a man these days?


Hot Links!
December 27th, 2022 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Zoe Kravitz said something catty – Celebitchy

Is this viral prank funny? – Dlisted

Rita Ora dazzled in 2022 – Go Fug Yourself

Who did Brad Pitt fire from Fight Club? – Pajiba

Criminal Minds summed up in one TikTok video – Screen Rant


A ’70s boy’s wet dream: Jaclyn Smith and Catherine Bach
December 27th, 2022 under Wet dream. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the ’70s, boys were watching Charlie’s Angels and The Dukes of Hazzard, and they dreamed about Kelly Garrett and Daisy Duke. However, they never saw them together.

That was then. Over the holiday, Jaclyn Smith, 77, and Catherine Bach, 68, hung out at a Christmas party. By doing so, they gave those boys, who are now men, the best Christmas gift ever!

Especially since they are still as sexy as they were back in the day.


BTWF: Tom Everett Scott on Another World
December 27th, 2022 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: 6 ]

via They Started on Soaps

Before Tom Everett Scott was all about That Thing You Do, he was about that thing he didn’t do on Another World. He looks the same now as he did when he was 23 in that 1994 episode.


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