What is, Alex Trebek’s shady reaction to a bad joke is awesome! |
May 28th, 2020 under Jeopardy. [ Comments: none ]
Alex Trebek is the most love game show because he is so he comforting to the contestants, most of the time. I say most of the time because every now and again, he gets real with them.
For example, yesterday when Trebek found out that teacher Will Satterwhite tells dad jokes to his students, the Jeopardy host asked him to tell one. The contestant said, “There’s two windmills standing in a field. And one says, ‘What kind of music do you listen to?’ And the other says, ‘I am a huge metal fan.'”
Only some of the audience chuckled at the bad (but I think funny) joke, and the teacher said that is the reaction he gets from his students too. To which Trebeck backed away from him and said, “And from me.” Total mic drop. Which is why we love, love, love him.
Don’t feel too bad for Satterwhite, he had the last laugh. That is because he kicked major a$$ and won the night.
Is this one of the greatest pranks of all time? |
May 28th, 2020 under Pranks. [ Comments: none ]
Kaylin Bennett decided to turn things upside down on her roommate, as in literally. Bennett somehow managed to rearrange the room, so that everything that was down is now up and up is now down. How did she do it, I have no idea. But, I know, it is f*cking brilliant!
I doubt Kiersten Caine feels the same way. However, my hat is off to Bennett, or should I say on, because that is one of the most epic pranks I have ever seen.
I wonder how she made everything right side up again?
This is not the first time Bennett did something to her roomie’s room. To see how else she tortured her, then click here!
Hot Links! |
May 27th, 2020 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who looks pregnant? – Drunken Stepfather
Who lied about her age? – Celebitchy
Two CNBC anchors got into a fight – Pajiba
Has the Lost ending finally been explained? – Grunge
What did Kathy Griffin say about Trump now? – Dlisted
Jason Biggs looks like a ’70s pornstar |
May 27th, 2020 under Jason Biggs. [ Comments: none ]
Jason Biggs, like almost every actor, is out of work because of the coronavirus pandemic. Since he is home, he decided to try a new look and grow out a pornstache. One that makes him look like when he is ready to go back to his day job, it will be in adult entertainment.
He shouldn’t have any problems changing careers. After all, we saw his penis in American Pie’s final movie.
BTWF: Michael Rosenbaum in Grease |
May 27th, 2020 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Michael Rosenbaum was Kickin’ It Old Skool, he was in his high school musical play Grease. He looks the same now as he did when he was 17 in 1990 play,
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