Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2015
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The Rock serenades his daughter in his own special way!
December 25th, 2015 under The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

The Rock‘s daughter is 9 days old, and she came just in time for the holiday. What better way to celebrate Jasmine’s first Christmas, but to sing to her. That is exactly what DJ did, and he revealed she is just like him!
Dwayne Johnson’s baby girl is really lucky because he is going to spoil her like crazy! And she will have him wrapped about her finger, actually she probably already does!


Merry Christmas!
December 25th, 2015 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

May you get everything you want this Christmas! May you also enjoy your time with your family or makeshift family today because that is what this holiday is all about. And Presents!


BTWF roles: Martin Freeman in Love Actually
December 24th, 2015 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Martin Freeman was the star in Sherlock, he played a stand-in in Love Actually. How awwwdorbale was 31 year old in that 2003 movie?


Timothy Omundson galavants on to Santa’s lap!
December 24th, 2015 under Galavant, Timothy Omundson. [ Comments: none ]

Timothy Omundson was psyched to tell Santa Claus everything he wanted for Christmas, but then when he sat on his lap things didn’t go as planned. He started to cry just like a little baby who sees Santa for the first time. Proving we never grow up!
Hopefully, he asked Kris Kringle to get his show Galavant more viewers because that musical comedy fairy tale show deserves as many as they can get! So make sure to watch the season season premiere on ABC January 3rd!


Watch this awwwwdorable girl Whip/Nae Nae
December 24th, 2015 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

Natalie Rose Shevsky | Facebook

OMG Whip!!! With Santa! Video is a bit shaky because I was laughing so hard!

Natalie Rose Shevsky started recording her 4 year old daughter Elyse dancing with Santa at dance class, and what happens next will give you cavity because it is so sweet. As soon as Silento’s Watch Me came on, you couldn’t help but to watch her! This girl is so full of spirit that it is infectious! I wish we could bottle it up! I also wish I could bop like her!
So sit back and watch this cutie do her thang, it is the stress reliever you need to get through Christmas Eve!


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