What is Luke Wilson doing behind Helen Hunt? |
August 16th, 2013 under Helen Hunt, Movie Star Gossip. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Luke Wilson and Helen Hunt were filming a scene of their upcoming movie Ride yesterday and all I want to know is what he doing behind the Oscar winner. But then again looking at her behind, can you blame him for doing whatever he might be doing?
Remember Angie Dickinson? |
August 16th, 2013 under Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Angie Dickinson came out for the 1st Annual Made In Hollywood Television Awards yesterday and the Police Woman was more than Dressed to Kill. Can you believe that she is going to turn 82 next month because she looks f*cking fabulous. She seriously looks better than a lot of the actresses that are half her age.
What’s up with Justin Bieber’s bangs? |
August 16th, 2013 under Justin Bieber. [ Comments: none ]

When Justin Bieber first came out, he was as well known for his hair as his music. Well now it looks like he is going through the Hollywood history hair book for his new hairstyle. The Baby singer is now donning Bettie Page’s bangs and she is the only person who ever made them work. (Yes Katy Perry, I don’t like them on you either) Seriously I can’t beliebe how bad he looks with those short curled bangs. Has anyone ever seen a guy with those bangs that wasn’t a Drag Queen? I wonder who told him that was good idea?
Do you like his new look or am I the only who is not impressed?
Guess who had some mighty big boots to fill? |
August 16th, 2013 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is not showing those boots any mercy, then click here!
Hot Links! |
August 15th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
How will Finn die on Glee? – Rickey
Kate Hudson in very tight pants – GCeleb
Which judge quit The X Factor? – Bohomoth
Who spent $7 million shopping at the $1 store? – Celebitchy
Madonna's kid shows she's all grown up in too small bikini – Celebslam
Is Taylor Swift going to write a song about Justin Bieber now? – Popbytes
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