Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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Let’s celebrate all the worthy renewals at Sullivan & Son!
August 20th, 2013 under NBC, TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: none ]

NBC and TBS decided to renew some of their summer shows today and I am very happy with their decisions!
Over at NBC, the network announced that they want to play a second round with Hollywood Game Night next summer. HGN is the best new game show in a really long time. It is one that the whole family can enjoy, and then when the credits roll they can play the games they saw on the show together. I just hope that next year they give it an earlier time slot so that kids can watch it with their parents because it really is a family friendly show.
Then over at TBS, the beer is pouring like crazy because Sullivan & Son will be back for a third season. This show is not family friendly or politically correct and that is why I adore it so much. You never know what is going to come out of Hank’s mouth and yet can’t wait to hear what will be. I am so excited to hear what they have him next year because you know will laugh and then feel really guilty about it.
TBS also picked up Howie Mandel’s hidden camera show Deal With It, where celebs tell people to do crazy things in their earpieces. The more things they do, the more money they get. And talking about money, Men At Work was also renewed for another season.
All in all it was a good day for summer TV! So drink up!


BTWF roles: Amy Adams in Psycho Beach Party
August 20th, 2013 under Amy Adams, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Amy Adams ended up with the perfect guy in Enchanted, she was breaking up with someone who wasn’t in Psycho Beach Party. How cute was the 25 year old in that 2000 movie?


When Willis met Carlton!
August 20th, 2013 under Alfonso Ribeiro. [ Comments: none ]

Todd Bridges and Alfonso Ribeiro met up on the set of Access Hollywood, and who else besides me is thinking how cool it would be if Willis and Carlton got a sitcom together. Willis is kind of like Will and Carlton is a bit like Arnold, so it could work. I mean wouldn’t you watch Fresh Prince of Diff’rent Strokes? Don’t be like, Wahtcha talkin’ bout, Seriously? You would be just as addicted as I would be to it.


Guess who looks much older from behind?
August 20th, 2013 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is having trouble with hiding the curves in that outfit, then click here!


What if our computers programmed our television shows?
August 20th, 2013 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

More and more of us are watching our favorite television shows on our computers, tablets and smartphones, so ElectRoulette imagined what would be like if technology created some of our most loved shows. We would get dramas iMad, Post and Mouse, and comedies like How I Tagged Your Mother to name a few. So sit back and watch the new theme songs updated for our World Wide Web. Be happy we live in world outside of the information superhighway, but enjoy the fact we can travel down it every now and again.


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