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Is Shaq carrying Adam Sandler over the threshold?
July 11th, 2013 under Adam Sandler, Do they have something to tell us?, Shaquille O'Neal. [ Comments: none ]

Shaq was pictured carrying Adam Sandler like a groom holds his wife on their wedding day and I have to wonder if they have something to tell us? No it was just the two of them having some fun on the red carpet of their movie Grown Ups 2 by Happy Madison.
BTW doesn’t Sandler look so little in Shaq’s big arms?


It’s raining sharks tonight with Sharknado!
July 11th, 2013 under Syfy. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p Sharknado is storming down on Syfy and you don’t want to miss this brilliant movie.
A massive amount of Super Tornadoes are twisting their way over the Pacific Ocean and they are causing the sharks to rise up to the surface. But the twisters don’t stop there because they are actually picking them up and dropping them down on Los Angeles. Obviously the sharks are not happy about being displaced, so they are eating everyone in their path and it is up to Tara Reid and Ian Ziering to stop them before they cause more ugliness in Hollywood than a Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon. Will they do it? You will have to tune to find out in this movie that is more comedy than horror!
But before you do, here are some insights I got from Tara Reid during a conference about the making of the movie that’s directed by Anthony Ferrante.

Were there actual sharks raining down on the actors during the filming of the movie?:
Tara Reid: Yes, special effects, it was a lot more CGI; there weren’t thousands sharks in the sky. The shark stuff, like, in the ocean, I didn’t really have any scenes in, so I wasn’t involved in that kind of area. But, I mean, it was just mostly CGI and you just had to have like a really good imagination.

On faking that there were sharks all around her:
TR: Yes, I was going to say that there was so much green screen. You just had to just use your imagination and pretend that there were sharks everywhere. You know what I mean and sometimes it felt ridiculous because you didn’t know what was going on. But yes, I think we did the best job we can and I think we had a lot of fun doing it.

On committing to the role:
TR: So I think by committing to it, is what makes it so funny. Like, we did go there. Yes, you knew it was absolutely ridiculous. There’s no one going in the shark’s stomach and cut them out with a chainsaw. But because he does play it seriously, it comes off funnier. So, I mean, I think it’s a story that people are really going to enjoy and laugh with it.

Did she learn anything about sharks while making Sharknado?:
TR: It wasn’t really that kind of thing. It wasn’t like we were with actually sharks. I mean, it was all Sci-Fi, so I didn’t really learn anything about sharks. It wasn’t like, “Be careful with this shark because you’re going to get bitten,” because it was all complete sci-fi and digital. So, no, I didn’t learn anything about sharks. I just knew that, you know, run from sharks if you see them. You don’t want to get eaten.

Did she have a crush on Ian Ziering (who plays her ex-husband in the movie) when she younger?:
TR: Not really. I just thought he was a nice guy, but no, not really.

Her honesty to these stupid questions was just perfect. I won’t tell you which one I asked because looking back at it now, I should be embarrassed for asking it. And I am!


Why Olivia Munn was OK with her ex-boyfriend cheating on her
July 11th, 2013 under Jay Leno, Olivia Munn. [ Comments: none ]

Olivia Munn was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and she told Jay Leno about her ex-boyfriend that cheated on her when she first moved to LA. Now before you are like, awwww poor Olivia, she explained that she really only liked him as friend. Then she told the NBC host that she thinks she liked that he was having an affair. Wait, what? The Newsroom star added, “I remember this very clearly. At the time I thought to myself, ‘I don’t mind him cheating on me because I like him just as my friend and I don’t want to be his girlfriend. So if she’s having sex with him that means I don’t have to.'” That is great way to think about it, she has a good point.
Oh and I left out that she said he didn’t really have to cheat on her because she was good at faking it with him. Is it wrong that I wondered if she faked it with Brett Ratner too? I will just assume that she did since she says she’s so good at it. Although he has said he didn’t remember her when she auditioned for him, so now I am thinking that maybe she is not as good of actress in that department as she says she is?


She’s gonna wash those aliens right out of her hair!
July 11th, 2013 under NASA. [ Comments: 1 ]

We have seen how astronauts go to the bathroom in space, and now Expedition 36 Crew Member, Karen Nyberg, shows how they wash their hair up there. Since their hair is basically weightless and they don’t have showers, they have to wash their hair differently than we do it here on Earth. So Nyberg walked us through the process of what she does to keep her locks clean. First she uses warm water from a bag and places it on her scalp so the water will rise up. Then she follows up with rinse-free shampoo in the same manner, but this time she uses a towel to make sure she gets as much dirt out as possible. Finally she rinses out the shampoo with some more warm water from the bag and continues to comb her hair into a pretty cool look as she waits for it to dry. As the water dries, the evaporation of it gets sucked up into the International Space Station’s air conditioning system and then the water processing system will turn into drinking water. Talk about recycling!
Seriously how cool is it to see how they wash their hair up in space? In ways I wish it was as easy to do here as it is to do it there.


Hot Links!
July 10th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is naked? – Dlisted
Angelina Jolie in a tank top – Bohomoth
Daft Punk got some condoms – Popbytes
Jennifer Lopez looks different – Celebitchy
Which American Idol singer is joining Glee? – Rickey
Alyssa Milano's nipples are poking through – GCeleb
Homer Simpson's car comes to life – Midwest TV Guys
What does Kris Jenner make her grandkids call her? – AG

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