Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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Spotted Leighton Meester makeup free!
March 25th, 2013 under Gossip Girl. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Leighton Meester was spotted out and about yesterday and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. Before all of you Gossip Girls get ready to bad mouth how she looks, take a look how pretty she is au naturale. It’s OK to be jealous because who doesn’t wish their skin was as flawless as hers.


Hot Links!
March 24th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who does that gorgeous a$$ belong to? – Dlisted
Stupid Angelina Jolie rumor of the say – Bohomoth
Who is sleeping in a glass box as art? – Celebitchy
See whose nude cell phone pic was leaked – GCeleb
Lots of Ryan Gosling shirtless photos – Swoonworthy
Jenna Jameson would look better naked than in this – WJ
Nicki Minaj is fighting with someone else on Idol – Rickey
Who wears a gown to play with her kids? – Amy Grindhouse
What krazy name will Kim Kardashian name her kid? – StarCrush

Ever wonder what a Kim Kardashian used dart board looks like?
March 24th, 2013 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Thanks to Kim Kardashian posting this picture of her getting acupuncture, we know now what she would like if we were to throw darts at a photo of her. Too bad no one got a bullseye though. Better luck next throw.


Don Cheadle says Kristen Bell is a bad person!
March 23rd, 2013 under Don Cheadle, Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Don Cheadle was on The Tonight Show yesterday and he told Jay Leno that the lovable Kristen Bell is a “bad person”. Why did he use such harsh words about her? Because his House of Lies co-star beat him in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot and took all of his Per Diem. He was upset that she didn’t give him a chance to earn his losses back. Does anyone blame her for taking the money and running?


Remember the Chupacabra vs. The Alamo tonight!
March 23rd, 2013 under Syfy. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1836 The Alamo survived an epic battle and tonight at 9p on Syfy it will partake in another one called Chupacabra vs. The Alamo. Will it as be lucky this time? You will have to tune in for this mythological horror movie that stars Erik Estrada as the man that will try to take down this killer urban legends that have invaded The Alamo. There is a reason why people are afraid of the Chupacabras even though no one has seen them, that is before this bloody movie.
Chupacabra vs. The Alamo is a lot fun and suspenseful at the same time.
If you are looking for a drinking game, drink every time a Chupacabra kills someone and you will be drunk before you know it.


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