Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » October
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A Haunted House looks like frightfully unfunny.
October 21st, 2012 under Movies, Wayans Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

The Wayans Family is taking on the Paranormal Project movies in their latest spoof and why do I feel all the funny scenes were just shown in that trailer. Maybe because that is the way it always is?


Guess who is a caped crusader?
October 20th, 2012 under Guess who?. [ Comments: 1 ]

Want to see who gives us glee then click here!


Private Practice is going out of business
October 20th, 2012 under Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

The most depressing show on television got some sad news yesterday. Shonda Rhimes Tweeted that Private Practice will end after this season’s 13th episode.

I’m sad to say that Private Practice’s run will end after episode 613 this season. There was a lot of discussion and debate but, in the end, the guys at the network and the studio and I all decided that Private Practice was reaching its finish line. Creatively, we are all extremely proud of the show and especially proud of this season — which you will all soon discover is a creative renaissance. I can’t wait for you to see it.
It’s heartbreaking to end. Truly. I feel so lucky to write for these characters and tell these stories and I truly feel this show has taught me so much as a writer. And there’s a family here, of crew and cast, people who have bonded over these past five and a half seasons. It’s rare for a show to go for more than 100 episodes and we are incredibly proud to have been such a show. And we’re grateful to all of you for spending time with us for an hour every week for the last 6 years. It’s meant the world.
Thank you.

I am so happy to see this show because I never have a watched show that was depressing as this one. Just like a horrific car crash with dismembered bodies all over the place, I just can’t look away. Now that is show is ending, I think I will be able to smile more.
I still cannot get over how last season they had a drug addict lose her lover to an overdose only to find out she was pregnant with a baby without a brain. She then carried it to term, so the baby could be an organ donor. That storyline went on for almost the whole season and that was just one of the many heartbreaking stories the show did over its sad run and there were like 2 a week.
So I say good riddance and I hope this show is replaced with one that is a little happier than this unnecessary cryfest. You know like a show about funeral homes or hospices.


Nikita is engaging tonight!
October 19th, 2012 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p on The CW Nikita is back with a new season and they are starting off with a new division led by Ryan. The first case will bring Nikita and Michael to China where they will have to try to catch one of the Dirty Thirty. He is on to them being after him, so he destroys their plan and someone will wind up in jail. Now the person who is free will try to have to rescue the other one even though the division cuts them off from all support. Will just as many as people who came to China leave it or will one of them be missing? You have tune into find out and make sure to watch it all the way through for not one but two surprising endings in this very engaging season premiere!


Ben Affleck gets sexy!
October 19th, 2012 under Ben Affleck. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Ben Affleck is in Rome to promote his critically-acclaimed movie Argo and I learned something new about him. I don’t know why I never realized this before but he is actually quite sexy. Look at the way he is making love to camera. Maybe it is the way the Italian paps (I know that accent can get me to do anything) are saying his name, but something just made him appear even hotter than normal. Doesn’t he just turn you on in these pictures?


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