Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » September
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Did Keith Urban leave Aussie’s The Voice for American Idol?
September 13th, 2012 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Keith Urban spent the summer Down Under being a mentor on The Voice and today he announced that he will not be returning for a second season. Nicole Kidman’s husband released a statement saying, “I’ve been so fortunate to have been a part of The Voice, and as much as I’d love to do it again, it’s clear that the recording and promoting of a new album, a tour, and other commitments will keep me from being a part of the second season.” I am wondering if that other commitment he is referring to is American Idol. Afterall the singer has been rumored to be one of the judges on the show.
Personally I don’t really care if he is or if he isn’t, but I just wish that the Fox singing competition would announce the new set of judges already. I mean it seems like every musician has been up for the job and it’s like they can’t even get anyone to do it so they had bring Randy Jackson back. If I were Randy I would’ve said no because I would’ve been like what am I dawg food?
Seriously Fox just take anybody at this point and let’s move on with already. And on that note can you name the hosts of The X Factor already, so we can’t stop wasting thoughts on that too.


Florence Welch nails Balls in Your Mouth
September 13th, 2012 under Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Florence Welch was a guest on NBC’s Late Night yesterday and Jimmy Fallon brought back one of his classics to duet with her. The two of them sang Balls in Your Mouth and she went for it like she wanted some balls her mouth. Seriously didn’t she take that song to a whole new level of excitement?
BTW I had to stop listening to that song in the car because I would go into places and start singing the chorus out loud because it was stuck in my head. Yes I got a lot of dates, but nothing to write home about.


Hot Links!
September 12th, 2012 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is that calendar girl? – GCeleb
The Voice crashes The X Factor! – Rickey
Levi Johnston did it again – Amy Grindhouse
Jennie Garth without makeup – Hollywood Backwash
Kris Jenner is so not Mother of the Year – Celebitchy
Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn's kids are dating – Evil Beet
Jessica Simpson still has her huge pregnancy boobs – Dlisted

Allison Pill found a way to get a lot of Twitter followers!
September 12th, 2012 under Celeb Oops. [ Comments: none ]

via Egotastic
Allison Pill became real popular on Twitter today because the Newsroom star accidentally Tweeted a picture of herself topless. Once she realized her mistake she Tweeted, “Yep. That picture happened. Ugh. My tech issues have now reached new heights, apparently. How a deletion turned into a tweet… Apologies.” I bet hackers are bummed she beat them to it.
To see the picture she posted then click here!


BTWF roles: Jesse Bradford in Falling in Love
September 12th, 2012 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jesse Bradford had a child in Guys with Kids, he was just kid excited to open his Christmas presents in Falling in Love. How awwwwdorable was the 4 year old in that 1984 movie?


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