Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » April
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Craig Ferguson and Geoff Peterson’s Vegas trippy
April 15th, 2011 under Craig Ferguson. [ Comments: none ]

Craig Ferguson took Geoff Peterson to Vegas to celebrate his first birthday and let’s just say I am so f*cking happy that not everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. The Late Late Show host and his Robot Skeleton Sidekick had a trippy time thanks to Carrot Top. And along they ride they also hooked up a Leprechaun, Secretariat, Grant Imahara, female strippers, male strippers, his puppets, an Elvis impersonator and Donny Osmond. Oh and did I mention they see a lot of wieners…lots and lots of wieners?
And the best part comes at the end when there is very special wedding built on love!
Did I mention that I am so happy that not everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas because as Geoff would say “Love it”!!!


Joey McIntyre is a New Kop on the Block!
April 15th, 2011 under NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]

First Donnie Wahlberg is playing a cop on Blue Bloods and now his bandmate Joey McIntyre is playing one on Psych. At the rate NKOTB is switching beats and playing cops on TV maybe they should change their name from New Kids on the Block to New Kops on the Block? When it comes to which boy bander looks better as a man in blue, no offense to Donnie that goes to Joey because eyes really go with the uniform! And he likes wearing it so much he Tweeted this to the other kid on the block, “Maybe @donniewahlberg can get me transferred to the NYPD :)” How cool would it be if he played one of the sensational drama next season? I would watch, but then again I watch it every Friday.


Is Gilbert Gottfried trying to tell us his jokes stink?
April 15th, 2011 under Caption the Celeb. [ Comments: none ]

Gilbert Gottfried was doing his act at Michael Anthony’s On The Waterfront and WireImage snapped this picture of him that I thought it was perfect. I was wondering if the comedian with the most annoying voice in comedy is trying to tell us his jokes stink? Seriously besides his Roast buddies, who else thinks his is funny? There is a line and he doesn’t know it. I am finw with crossing it every now and again, but then there is point where you go to far and it isn’t funny and that is where he stays at.


Guess who is bringing the ’80s back?
April 15th, 2011 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who looks like Corey Feldman then click here!


Hot Links!
April 14th, 2011 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who looks better from behind? – Celebslam
Whose square butt? – Celebitchy
Who is like a cockroach? – Rickey
Who showed off their Spanx? – ICYDK
Tom Brady is a cry baby – Swoonworthy
Zsa Zsa Gabor to be a mom again at 94? – Popbytes
WTF are Meg Ryan and John Mellencamp doing? – Dlisted
Does that jelly bean look like Kate Middleton? – Agent Bedhead

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