Finally after months of waiting to trailer for Burlesque was released and I can’t wait to see that movie when it comes out on November 24th. It looks like it will be full of cheese and who doesn’t like a good cheesy movie with Cher and Christina Aguilera?
Enrique Iglesias made a bet and said if Spain won the World Cup he would water ski naked. Well TMZ has acquired the video proof that he made good on his bet and did a true moon over Miami! Sadly though we can’t tell if his penis is as small as he said he was. I guess we will have to wait 4 years until the next World Cup bet to get another shot at his little soccer balls and net!
Mary Hart announced today that this will be last season with Entertainment Tonight and I say it is about time. She is like a dinosaur in a modern world and entertainment is a young person’s business. Plus her interviews are as fake as hair, seriously can her hair look any more fried from all the bleaching.
Here is what the 59 year old anchor had to say about departing the show after 30 years, “I’ve had the privilege of spending 29 years doing something I love — how often does that happen? I’ve had the support of a stupendous group of people starting with Linda Bell Blue, John Nogawski and many others who are so talented on our staff at ET. I only meant to be at ET for three years, suddenly it’s almost 30! I’ve reached a point when I clearly realize it’s time for a change. There are many things I want to do in my life and I’d better get on with them.”
It will be interesting to see who they get to replace her? Some sites are guessing Lara Spencer, but I think they will go with someone different. Personally I think they should also get rid of Mark Steines and replace him with Kevin Frazier. Kevin is the best (and only good) on-air personality they have on the show.
Lily Allen and her boyfriend of a year Sam Cooper have something to Smile about because she is pregnant with their first child. The singer told The Sun, “It goes without saying we are both absolutely delighted.” Hopefully this pregnancy will have a better outcome than her last one where she miscarried.