Before Mary Hart was anchoring at Entertainment Tonight, she was anchoring with Headline News’ Chuck Roberts at KMTV. I liked the 25 year anchor better doing hard news back in 1975 for that station in Ohama, Nebraska station than I do watching her entertainment news now.
Scott Baio is a little over a month away from turning 50, but that didn’t stop AARP from sending him his membership card. So how did Chachi Arcola handle it? He Tweeted this with the picture of the envelope, “Hey @AARP is this supposed to be a F**KIN Joke???” In other words it doesn’t look like he took it so well…
What he is taking well is the party to celebrate Scott Baio’s 50th Birthday by raising money for the charity he started with his wife Renee’ called Bailey Baio Angel Foundation. On September 26th you are invited to celebrate his half century mark at the Beverly Garland in Studio City. There are different ticket packages for the event which sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun!!!
BTW does anyone else feel old because he is turning 50?
Danica McKellar was promoting her book Hot X: Algebra Exposed and looks like her baby is ready for their exposure even though her due date is around a month away. Seriously how cute does Winnie Cooper look with her growing baby bump? And for you boys doesn’t she make math look sexy?
I guess when someone said are their any Takers to attend the premiere, Andy Dick said I’d go. I am sure after that first picture, they are wishing they didn’t take him up on the offer because as always he lived up to his last name. Why does he still get invited to events?
Yesterday at the Tokyo premiere of Karate Kid, Jada Pinkett Smith debuted her new haircut and it looks awful. Just like her son Jaden’s over-sized fro and her daughter Williow’s Mohawk, he inverted bob looks stupid. In fact not only does it look bad, but it makes her look older than she did before. With Will Smith the only one with a normal do, I wonder what he will do to his hair to fit in with the family?