Katy Perry Tweeted a pictured of her fiance’ Russell Perry in a wedding dress and I wonder if these two will swap gender attire at their wedding. Will he wind up wearing a wedding gown and her a tuxedo? With him who knows, but with her you expect her to be a little more conservative although I read somewhere she will be exposing her abs on their wedding day and that doesn’t sound very attractive for the bridal gown.
BTW she better hope that he tried on a wedding dress and he didn’t like it…
Jessica Simpson wanted to prove that her VH1 show The Price of Beauty has truly changed her, so she went without makeup, with air-dried hair and unretouched for Marie Claire. I think she looks great and respect her for doing it. Not many singer/actresses would do it. Personally I think she looks better before Ken Paves and her makeup people get a hold of her.
Now enough with the positive, here is something she told the magazine that totally grossed me out, “I’ll usually wash my hair and let it air-dry wavy, but if I’m just in a hang-out mood, I won’t even wash it. I’ll wait until it smells.” Why wait until that point? We have advanced enough in the last few centuries to wash our hair before it gets to level and with the amount of extensions she is rumored to have in her hair, it must smell beyond nasty before she finally cleans it.
One of my all-time favorite movies that made me fall in love with Val Kilmer is being destroyed, according to Pajiba Real Genius is being redone for the big screen. Why? Seriously Why? The movie was a Real Genius for its time and doesn’t need to be duplicated and the whole meaning of the movie is not relevant for today. Knowing Hollywood they will probably fill the cast up with people from Judd Apatow films and make it another unfunny movie that only few people find funny. Plus if you are going to remake the movie you have to do the Jiffy Pop scene, and there is no way anyone can ever top it or do it better. That scene is one of the all-time classic scenes. So instead of downing some popcorn at the movie theater when this sure-to-be-latest-piece-sh!t comes out, I will be at home making some Jiffy Pop on the stove and watching the original Real Genius on DVD to protest the fact they destroyed one my favorite movies for no reason at all.
Oh and if the Real Genius news isn’t bad enough, Pajiba is reporting they are also destroying House Party.
Nothing is sacred anymore in Hollywood. Can’t they come up with some more original movies to turn into 3D so they jack up the price up of movie tickets even more? Leave our movies alone!
Whitney Houston was suppose to start her UK tour this week, but instead she is hospitalized in Paris. The singer was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection according to a statement her people released when she cancelled her Paris gig on Tuesday, “Doctors visited Whitney late last night in Paris and confirmed that she was suffering from an upper respiratory infection. Upon medical advice, Whitney has been advised that she cannot perform to allow her time to recover.” According to the AFP an insurance doctor for the Paris venue she was suppose to play at visited her at the hospital and said, “My problem was to find out if she were able to sing at Bercy. I certified that she was not able to sing.” Hopefully she will be able to sing soon because there a lot of fans who have waited a long to see in her perform in person again.