Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » April
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Aimee Mann’s voice carries to Ice-T
April 11th, 2010 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Til Tuesday’s Aimee Mann voice carried to Ice-T via Twitter and he told her to hush hush.

Aimee Mann Tweeted: “Christ, there is no reason in the world anyone should ever have cast Ice T in a television show.”
Well somehow Ice-T found out about her Tweet and Tweeted this response, “Hey @aimeemann stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time.. Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T”
When Aimee heard about his Tweet she Tweeted, “Oh NOOOO!! Someone just told me that Ice T responded to my tweet about him!! THIS CAN’T BE GOOD!!!
I am not going to read it. I DO NOT WANT HIM MAD AT ME!!
Plus, I do not like to hurt people’s feelings. I forget that twitter is not just me and four other dorky friends, ragging on TV stars.
He’s out there doing his job. He doesn’t need any heckling from the peanut gallery. So, I am sorry, Mr. T! You get out there and DO IT!”

Ummm, Mr T is a different actor who was on the A-Team and has a mohawk and wears lots of gold necklaces, while Ice-T is on Law & Order:SVU and is married to Coco a white woman whose butt puts Kim Kardashian’s too shame.
When it comes to their fight, I have barely ever seen an episode of SVU so I can’t say whether is acting is good or bad. When it comes to Aimee, I haven’t listened to anything she has done since Voices Carry so I can’t say whether music is wack ass or not. So I will stay out of this fight, but thank them for the Tweets because it reminded that I haven’t listened to Voices Carry in a really long time and it really is a good song that I should listen to more often!


Isla Fisher’s daughter is almost as big as her!
April 11th, 2010 under Sacha Baron Cohen. [ Comments: none ]

Bauer-Griffin Online
Isla Fisher’s daughter Olive with Sacha Baron Cohen isn’t even two and a half years old and she is almost as big as her mom. At this rate by the time she is 5 years old she will be as big as her if not taller. I guess when the father of your baby is over a foot taller than you, it should be expected that his baby will take after him.
BTW how awwwdorable is that picture of Olive kissing her mom?


Remember Sheena Easton?
April 11th, 2010 under Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

Sheena Easton strutted her stuff to the Kenny Rogers: The First 50 Years Award Show and proved that 27 years later they’ve still Got Tonight! The 50 year old singer looks amazing and I though it would share it with you, but it is For Your Eyes Only!


NBC to Sing-Off again!
April 11th, 2010 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]

NBC has renewed their competition game show the Sing-Off according to The Live Feed. The show has a capella groups singing it out with one of them being crowned the winner at the end of it. I love a capella singing, so I thoroughly enjoyed this show and I am glad that NBC brought it back for a second season with a three additional episode order. Although I hope NBC changes up the judges and let’s America vote for who they want to stay in the competition. To be honest I was impressed by last season’s winners.


The final season of The Tudors begins tonight!
April 11th, 2010 under The Tudors. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p is the season premiere of Showtime’s most beautiful and erotic show and this season is the last one for The Tudors. Tonight’s episode and the next four deal with his love affair with his fifth wife Catherine Howard. There is plenty of sex between the two and for the two, if you watch the show you know what that means. His second to last Queen does not get along with his eldest daughter Mary and that will bring a lot of tension among The Tudors. We will also see a lot more of King Henry VIII’s three surviving children from his marriages and the kid who plays Prince Edward is the cutest little thing. Besides his love, we also follow his wars as he try to keep diplomatic relations with his European neighbors while he tries to keep England top. The first five episodes of the season are intense and beautifully shot and I am sad to see this show go because I have really enjoyed learning more than ever knew about The Tudors.
Tune in for what be an a fitting farewell for The Tudors tonight and every Sunday at 9p on Showtime.


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