Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » August
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How I Met Your Mother the Musical
August 16th, 2009 under How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: none ]

Co-Creator of How I Met Your Mother did an interview with IGN and he told them for the 100th episode they are going to have a musical number!!!

IGN: Anything you can tease about what’s to come?
Bays: There’s a lot of good stuff. Our 100th episode is going to be this year, and we’re writing a big musical number for that. That’s going to be fun. We’re going to finally get to see Neil [Patrick Harris] and the rest of the cast show off their musical theater chops. And I think you’ll be surprised. Everyone’s seen Cobie do her thing, but Josh [Radnor] is a bit of a song and dance man and Jason [Segel] of course has written his share of music too.
IGN: Any hints as to what would cause all the characters to sing together?
Bays: It’s pure whimsy and fantasy. I think everyone at the show has pretty romantic sensibilities and it’s going to be classic, old time Hollywood, good old fashioned musical number.

Ever since I saw Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segal sing that song from Les Miz on that show, I have been wanting them to do a musical number on the show, so I am beyond excited for the 100th episode!!! Hopefully we get another Robin Sparkles song and another slap from the slap bet on that episode too!!! Now that would be legen-wait for it-dary!!!


A day by the lake for The Cruises!
August 15th, 2009 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: 1 ]

Splash News Online
Tom Cruise went to visit his wife, Katie Holmes and their daughter, Suri in Australia, where she is filming Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark. Before he jetsetted his way back home he spent a day with them at the lake and gave us these awwwdorable family pictures. Seriously when you look at these pictures, you almost forget this is the same crazy Cruise we have gotten to know. They just look like any normal family enjoying a nice day at the lake.


Levi McConaughey and his dog!!!
August 15th, 2009 under Matthew McConaughey. [ Comments: none ]

Splash News Online
OMG! How awwwdorable are those pictures of Matthew McConaughey’s son Levi playing with his dog on the beach. Can he look any happier? Plus how cute is it that he has his own little wetsuit! I just love that he has surfer attire already, not that I would expect any less from his dad. Too precious!!!


Wham! Bam! George Michael arrested again after a car crash?
August 15th, 2009 under George Michael. [ Comments: none ]

George Michael just got his driver’s license back after a 2 year suspension and what does he does? He gets into another car accident and according to The Sun he was arrested afterwards for suspicion of being under the influence, but he was released and not charged. Here is what the guy who George Michael reportedly hit told The Sun.

Shocked George climbed out of the wreck and tried to beg a lift in Lawrie’s cab.
Lawrie of Middlesbrough, said: “I was driving at 45mph in the inside lane when I saw a car come speeding up behind me, its lights on full beam.
“It must have been doing about 100mph and was weaving all over the place as if it was overtaking and undertaking. It smashed into the back of my cab and I felt a hell of a thump.
“His car went spinning across the outside lane and into the central barrier before bouncing back into my cab. He then hit the barrier again.”
“There was no movement from his car for what seemed like ten minutes. I was really shaken and thought someone had died.
“The Range Rover’s bonnet was sticking up, the front panels were missing and all the windows were shattered.
“There were big scrape marks along the full length of the vehicle. It was blocking the road.
“Eventually the guy got out of his car. He came over to my cab and asked if I had stopped to give him a lift. I was stunned.
“He was absolutely not with it, so I told him no. But he insisted and came around the other side of the truck and tried to get in the passenger door.
“When it finally dawned on him that I wouldn’t give in, he walked off down the verge.

George Michael tested negative for drugs and that was released.
Is it wrong for me to make a joke and say about time George Michael had another hit since his last albums haven’t done that well?


BTWF roles: Kristen Bell in Polish Wedding
August 14th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Kristen Bell. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Kristen Bell was solving crime on Veronica Mars, she was trying not to get arrested in Polish Wedding. The 17 year old actress hasn’t changed a bit since she did that 1998 movie.


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