Guess who is suddenly modest? |
April 17th, 2009 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is all taped up then click here!
Ashton! @aplusk! Ashton! @aplusk! Ahston! @aplusk! |
April 17th, 2009 under Ashton Kutcher. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 18:00 in)
Ashton Kutcher aka @aplusk kicked CNN’s a$$ by reaching 1,000,000 followers first and showed them they are just fossils and entertainment is the way of the future! Take that CNN!!!
I am so happy for Ashton and I loved loved loved watching his reaction when he hit the milestone before them even though when this started he was 50,000 followers behind! And I think with all that is going on in the world it is so f*cking sad that CNN sent an newsalert to let world that Ashton aka @aplusk humbled their no longer powerful a$$es. Seriously that is the breaking news I like from them, but I wonder if their viewers who expect “serious” news will feel the same! So sad!
Ashton aka @aplusk will be on Larry King Live tonight to talk about his victory and it will probably the highest rated show in a long time for him. Maybe the show will once again get over 1,000,000 viewers like they used to a long time ago. You know like back in the days around 2000 when the network was good, I could trust them and Ted Turned was running the joint! Talking about Ted Turner, I wonder if he still has his place at CNN Center, so that Ashton aka @aplusk can ding dong ditch him!!!
Way to go Ashton aka @aplusk!!!
Hot Links! |
April 16th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]
Sex and the City 2 spoilers – ICYDK
David Beckham the next Terminator? – Popbytes
WTF awful attire is Mischa Barton wearing now? – Dlisted
Tori Spelling should not show off her weird clevage – WIMB
Gwyneth Paltrow takes the high road, by goind down it – CW
You know you played GameBoy a little too much when… – AB
Who didn't understand the vajayjay his first time? – The Blemish
The Dancing with the Stars curse claims yet another one |
April 16th, 2009 under Dancing with the Stars. [ Comments: none ]

(photo © ABC)
Dancing with the Stars‘ Ty Murray, whose wife Jewel was forced to drop out of the show because of her injury, has suffered his own according to his MySpace blog.
They brought in a choreographer and we worked at that from about 9 a.m. until 1:30 and while I was there I got my eye cut open.
It might end up being a black eye, but I’m not sure. I was doing this thing with Chelsie where I spin her around up above my head and her mic-pack came loose, swung around and hit me in the eye.
This is the first eye accident of the season, but the second injury because of a mic pack. Who knew those things were so dangerous?
Melanie Griffith to do some Nip/Tuck! |
April 16th, 2009 under Nip/Tuck. [ Comments: 3 ]

(photo from Daily Mail)
Melanie Griffith is going to guest star on FX’s Nip/Tuck, but sadly she won’t be playing a patient od McNamara/Troy. According to TV Guide, she will be playing Kimber’s mom.
Brandie will be joined by Les, her too-tan, on-again-off-again car-salesman boyfriend of six years. Les, played by Robin Thomas (Another World, Who’s the Boss), ignites insta-hate from Christian (Julian McMahon). The breast-cancer-battling doc sees too much of his own abuse of women  especially Kimber  in Les’s treatment of Brandie.
I know she looks like the actress who plays Kimber, but who is with me that she would have been better cast as a patient like Joan Rivers and Joan Van Ark when they guest starred on the show?
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