The Oscars have decided in order to build interest for this year's Awards show they are going to keep who is presenting top secret according to The New York Daily News. Hey you want to get people to watch, how about nominating movies people have seen and the real movie goer wants to root for? If they think that keeping it secret that they are going to have same old people present the Awards is going to build interest, they are sadly mistaken. If they want viewers, tell us that Hugh Jackman will do the show topless or will remove a piece of clothing as each half hour goes on!!! If the latter is the case, than hopefully the show will go long!!!
via The Live Feed
Take a trip to Harper’s Island on April 9th!!! This is the show I have been waiting for CBS to air because it will be the one show on the netwrok I will invest time in, fall in love with and once it ends its season they will announce that they will not be picking it up for a second season. I know there is an end date, but is there really an end date???
Seriously when I saw the promo for this show in September I was blown away by how good it looked. Since then they have recast the show with Christopher Gorham and I can’t wait to see how it will all turns out. Hopefully CBS will let it all play out!
Here is the original promo…hot no?
CBS officially announced today that they will be no more key parties for Swingtown according to Michael Ausiello
“We’re not going back to Swingtown,” Tassler said. “At the end of the day the show was well executed, it was well received, the performances were great, the writing was great. It was a risk, we took it, and we’re proud of it.”
I was really hoping another network would pick up this show that taught us what we missed out on by living the life of the ’70s. Well at least I learned what I missed out on!