Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » June
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Where is a tidal wave when you need one…
June 16th, 2008 under Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

Seriously that wave was so close to wiping out Katherine Heigl, but yet so far. Better luck next wave.
xoxo Michael 

William Hurt joins Danages
June 16th, 2008 under FX. [ Comments: none ]

(photo © FX) 
Damages adds another Oscar winner to its cast with William Hurt.

The role on Damages marks the first time in his illustrious career that Hurt has signed on for regular series television.  He reunites with Glenn Close for the first time since they shared the screen 25 years ago in the acclaimed film The Big Chill.

FX also confirmed that Glenn Close, Rose Byrne and Tate Donovan are returning for season 2, but no word yet what Ted Danson's fate is with the show. Damages will be back on TV early next year!


Amy Winehouse Hospitalized!
June 16th, 2008 under Amy Winehouse. [ Comments: none ]

Amy Winehouse was taken to hospital today after she fainted at her house according to Daily Mail.

In a statement, her spokesman said: "Amy was at home this afternoon when she briefly fainted.

"Fortunately, her manager's assistant was there to stop her falling.

"She quickly recovered and her father, Mitch, took her to hospital as a precaution.

"Doctors are unsure of the cause of the incident and Amy is currently undergoing tests.

"She may be kept in overnight for observation."

He added: "They want to make sure she is OK but it wasn't an emergency dash."

To me what is scary about this story is not her going to hospital, but her hands. How did they get all yellowed like that? Back when I was a smoker my fingers turned that color, but the whole hand. That is just so horrifying. Hopefully they will look at her hands while she is there. So ewwwww.


Ginger Spice gets blown
June 16th, 2008 under Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

Today is a slow news days and that is as uplifting as it is going to get! 
Boy it is windy over there in London if it can do that Geri Halliwell's here! 

Mary-Louise Parker’s painful sex scene
June 16th, 2008 under Showtime. [ Comments: 2 ]

Mary-Louise Parker broke her toe while filming a sex scene for Weeds according to People.

"I smashed it on the bed frame," she told PEOPLE at the after party, where she remained seated in her Alberta Ferretti gown. "Good for me, right?"

Alas, it was no real-life romp. The actress injured herself while shooting a scene from Weeds. "How's that for commitment?" she mused. "Fantastic!"

And yes, her director used the, um, footage. "They kind of had to," explained Parker. "It was the first take!" 

Major ouch. I wonder if she will be on top for all future sex scenes?
BTW that is something you would expect to happen on Californication, not Weeds. The sex scenes on Californication are well more acrobatic to put it mildly.  

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