Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » May
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Send socks in to save The CW’s Reaper!
May 1st, 2008 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Bret Harrison's site Krakoom is asking us to send socks in to The CW to save his brilliant funny show Reaper! So let's make a stink and send in our dirty smelly socks to The CW, why bother to clean them and make them smell fresh? Let's let them know we mean business!!!
BTW the reason why they chose socks is because there is a character named Bert "Sock" Wysocki on the show. 
So please if you have some socks that you were thinking of using for rags, use a real rag and send your socks in to The CW! 
UPDATE: Here is the correct address to send the dirty smelly socks to:
Dawn Ostroff
3300 W. Olive Avenue
Burbank, Ca 91505

The Winchesters boy’s dead dad checks in on tonight’s Supernatural
May 1st, 2008 under Jeffrey Dean Morgan, The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Dean (Jensen Ackles) is stunned after he receives a phone call from his dad (guest star Jeffrey Dean Morgan) who tells him he has a solution to get Dean out of his deal.
Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean fight because Sam is skeptical that it is really John on the other end of the phone and warns Dean not to listen to him but Dean disagrees and sets off on his own path to follow his father’s orders.

Last year Dean sold his soul to the devil to bring Sam back from the dead and he was given only year before he had to make good on his deal. Now Dean’s time is almost up. Can a phone call from his dad save him since nothing else has. And is it really their dad?
Hopefully Dean will be saved because I like my Winchester boys together on Supernatural.
Find out if their dad who already had has pact with the devil finalized to save Dean once before, can he save him again on tonight Supernatural at 9p.


pissANT repeatedly says what he is
May 1st, 2008 under VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

via ONTD
On Sunday’s Celebracadabra on VH1 pissANT has a sh!t fit because he is terrified of clowns and one of the challenges for the wannabe magicians is they have to go to a costume shop. Let’s be real what good costume shop doesn’t have a clown costume or 2? So when he goes in and sees a clown costume, he runs out of the store like a little baby. Lisa Ann Walter actually felt bad for him and asked for the clown costumes to be taken down, so little pissANT could come in. Well the store missed one and he runs out again and has the above sh!t fit. What a stupid idiot. I am so over him.
And you might not believe this, but that is not the worst thing he did on this upcoming episode on Sunday. So tune in to Celebradacabra this Sunday on VH1 at 9p to see what other atrocious things he does.


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