Want to hear Madonna’s new CD early? |
April 25th, 2008 under Madonna. [ Comments: 1 ]
Madonna is previewing her new album Hard Candy on MySpace today, 4 days before it comes out on Tuesday. I know if you are like me you have stopped reading this in order to go listen to…
Pete Doherty’s bloody art show |
April 25th, 2008 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss. [ Comments: 1 ]
I don't understand why any art gallery would want to show Pete Doherty's artwork that was painted with own blood. Not only because who knows what is in his blood, but it is blood. Ewwww.
Angelina Jolie shows some color |
April 25th, 2008 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 5 ]
I don't think I ever saw Angelina Jolie wear such a bright yellow before, it actually looks good on her. Maybe she will switch away from black to some bright colors, but I doubt it.
Looks like she is due any week now.
Hot Links! |
April 24th, 2008 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Mila Kunis gets sexy for Stuff – F-Listed
Denise Richards is getting chunky – ICYDK
Kim Kardashian without makeup – Vh1 Blog
Gary Coleman in Divorce Court already – Dlisted
Who spent $500,000 on a makeover? – Popbytes
Jada Pinkett-Smith got the worst hair style – Yeeeah!
Courtney Love sells out Kurt Cobain again – Holy Moly!
Amy Winehouse going to jail and not for drugs? – Celebitchy
Is this legal…Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg in Amsterdam – CityRag
Who got a boob job b/c they didn't like showing them to men – The Sun
Neve Campbell goes topless for her next movie |
April 24th, 2008 under Celeb Oops. [ Comments: 3 ]

Want to see her party of two then click here!
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