Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007
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P.S. I Love You mom!
December 10th, 2007 under Hilary Swank. [ Comments: 2 ]

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler all took their moms to the premiere of P.S. I Love You! Seriously how sweet is that and how much fun do they are all look like they are having. 

Imagine 9,000 little Jack Nicholsons?
December 10th, 2007 under Jack Nicholson. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Daily Mail)
Although Jack Nicholson has only 3 kids he knows about, he tells The Sun it could have been as many as 9,000 if his sperm impregnated every women he was with.

“There could be 9,000 for all I know – I used to live so freely.”

Jack, 70 – whose exes include actress ANJELICA HOUSTON – admits calming down with age. He said: “You can’t get too wild these days but I’m as wild as you can get.”

A source said: “He loves women – it’s as simple as that.”

9,000 kids dang that was some wild days. He is lucky all he got was 3 kids the way he lived…


How much did Andy Dick pay those women to pose with him like that?
December 9th, 2007 under Andy Dick. [ Comments: 1 ]

Andy Dick posed with those 5 women in Las Vegas last night which makes wonder in a town where prostitution is legal…how much Andy Dick paid them? Not that I think they are prostitutes, I am just trying to understand out why any sane woman would pose with Andy Dick like that?

That is a lot of Santas
December 9th, 2007 under Christmas Music, Guinness World Records. [ Comments: none ]

Over 13,000 people and animals, young, old, male, female dressed up as Santa Clause to break the Guinness Book of Records of most people dressed as Santa in one place according to The BBC. Organizers of the event in Northern Ireland were hoping to beat the Vegas record of 7,259 Santas with 10,001 but were shocked when over 13,000 people and animals created a red and white seaof Santas! Way to go because that looks like a fun place to be today! Now I wonder with all those Santas if there are any Santa Clause costumes left in The UK for the poor guy who waited until today to buy his Santa suit?

Scott Baio is 46…and married with a kid!
December 9th, 2007 under Scott Baio. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Vh1 blog
Scott Baio has finally said I do to longtime girlfriend and mother of his baby Renee Sloan yesterday in LA according to People.
The nuptials were filmed for the second season of his show Scott Baio is 45…and Single that will premiere on VH1 next month. Maybe then we will find out the name of their baby girl who was born last month.
Hopefully this marriage will last, but we are talking Scott Baio… Maybe it is just wishful thinking on my part! Joking!

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