Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » August
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August 31st, 2007 under Heroes. [ Comments: none ]

I wonder which Hero had the ability to get those four Heroes to dress like that. When it comes to the Heroes World Tour those are my favorite pictures so far!!!

Heather Mills racking up parking tickets in The Hamptons
August 31st, 2007 under Heather Mills. [ Comments: none ]

(file photo from the Daily Mirror) 
Heather Mill can't find love or legitimate parking space on Long Island according to Page Six.
"She's parking in front of fire hydrants and in handicapped zones without a handicapped tag," a source tells The Post's Braden Keil. The peg-legged "Dancing With the Stars" hoofer recently showed an unimpressed town cop her prosthesis while he was writing up her white gas-guzzler. She was then photographed sticking her tongue out at him as soon as he turned his back.
I love that they are ticketing her! I hope they boot her car one day or tow it, now that will be funny!!!

Guess whose hair is thinning?
August 31st, 2007 under Guess who?. [ Comments: 2 ]

Want to see who needs Rogaine ASAP then click here!


Nicole Richie and Joel Madden cute together in NYC
August 31st, 2007 under Good Charlotte, Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

I wonder if her baby was kicking in those pictures because they both have that look in that it is, don’t you think?  

Britney Spears wears a see-thru neglige in public
August 31st, 2007 under Britney Spears. [ Comments: 6 ]

Now I am officially convinced that Britney Spears' people do hate her because seriously how could anyone let someone they like go out like that???
BTW her is a picture of her making sure at least her lipstick looks good because nothing else does. So sad.

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