Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » June
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Even a fake clown is funnier than Eddie Murphy
June 22nd, 2007 under Eddie Murphy. [ Comments: none ]

But after seeing Eddie Murphy's last few comedies it is not that hard for anything to be funnier than him even a fake clown. 

When the backdrop says it all…
June 22nd, 2007 under Captioned By Me. [ Comments: 1 ]

Seriously I thought the first time I saw Kelly Osbourne with that pink bob it was just a wig. But now I ask Believe it or Not she actually did that to her own hair? Or Believe It or Not someone is smiling looking like that?

How old is Meg Ryan?
June 22nd, 2007 under Meg Ryan. [ Comments: 1 ]

Because she is really looking like crap. Such a shame because Meg Ryan was such a naturally beautiful woman before she got all that work done. 

Hot Links!
June 21st, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is bending over? – The Blemish
The world's smallest pooch is so cute!!! – Dlisted
Who did Britney Spears walk out on? – Celeb Warship
Who is David Hasselhoff suing now? – Notorious News
Maria Menounos' creative way to avoid a nip slip – JIYH
Where and how did celebs get their scars? – Allie is Wired

A man might replace Rosie O'Donnell on The View??? – ICYDK

Another weird duet between Pete Doherty and Kate Moss – POTP
What did Ken Paves do the Ashlee Simpson's good looks? – Yeeeah!
Who is John Mayer trying to fake it with now? – Hollywood Backwash
Guess which huge reunion will be announced tomorrow! – Holy Moly!
WTF Isaiah Washington that TR Knight should've been fired instead? – GB

What did Mandy Moore write about Zach Braff on her new CD? – Celebitchy
Guess who actually looks better from behind today? – The Bastardly

Can you spot what is wrong with this picture?
June 21st, 2007 under Lily Allen. [ Comments: none ]

It is one thing if the no smoking was in a foreign language but it is the universal picture for no smoking so what is Lily Allen's excuse except she is a schmuck who doesn't care. Gotta be interested in what she does because it always makes a statement!
Oh and it was too funny not to post!

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