Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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What was Robbie Williams doing at DWTS last night?
March 27th, 2007 under Dancing with the Stars, Robbie Williams. [ Comments: 1 ]

How did I miss that Robbie Williams was in the audience of Dancing with the Stars last night. Entertainment Popwatch asked the question I want to know, what the he!! was he doing there? "Well, I've met Joey [Fatone] quite a few times before. He's a really lovely guy. And I love rubbish television. So he and I were out in the same place last week [Hollywood hotspot Les Deux], and I thought I'd combine my liking Joey with my liking crap television by visiting both of the same time." So what did he say when he was asked about England's most hated woman, he said he has been living here in The States for the last few years. Saying nothing is worse than saying something. 

Also in the interview they asked him about American Idol and he said that he would like to go to a taping of that show too. But the better answer came when they asked him about Simon Cowell, "No, but I've met him a few times and I like him. Simon was quoted as saying, "Britney Spears and Robbie Williams just need to get their s— together and go spend a few weeks with their mothers." He's usually right about things, he's probably right about that." Gotta love Robbie Williams.

So after reading this interview, how long do you think it will be until he has a reality show of his own to star in? 


Scott Hamilton turned down Dancing with the Stars
March 27th, 2007 under Dancing with the Stars. [ Comments: none ]

The Sports Interview recently interviewed Scott Hamilton about his role in Blades of Glory. TSI asked him if he would ever do Dancing with the Stars and he has this to say,“Well, Dancing with the Stars came to me the first year and I said absolutely not. They came to me the second year and I said absolutely not and they kind of gave up after that so I don’t know. That be a tough one. As much as I am trading in some of my credibility on this movie, I don’t know if I am willing to go out there and do that whole ballroom dancing thing. That’s too big of a stretch for me. Here I am a figure skater saying that. You’ve got Emmitt Smith winning it last year so who am I?” Oh man I am bummed he didn't do it because he would've been great. But then again the Judges would've hated him because you know he would break the rules all the time by doing backflips just like when he was ice skating.

Tori & Dean: Inn Love on tonight
March 27th, 2007 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: 1 ]

The B&B hunt!

Hi friends,
Sorry Ive been a blog dropout this last week. But, as you can imagine I have had my hands full…literally. But, tune in tomorrow night to “Tori&Dean:Inn Love”. Watch us travel all over California lookin at potential B&B’s. Its a pretty funny episode. The genuine reactions of the B&B owners to me possibly buying their properties is priceless. You know they were thinking…”Tori Spelling makin beds?”. And, I think Dean got a little fed up with me when one B&B after another wasn’t up to my liking. But hey, a pregnant chicks gotta have a McDonalds near by at all times. Can ya blame me? Remember we filmed this in the middle of my pregnancy and my stomach was kickin…again, literally! But, at the end of the episode you’ll get to see the B&B we chose AND get to see it before we redid it…OY! Wait till you see one of the guest rooms. I think the previous owners took the news that pink is the new black WAY too far. Let me know what you thought after you see it. T xoxo

Tori & Dean: Inn Love’s MySpace

I can’t believe I am admitting this, but I really liked this show. I was shocked how endearing it is, so check it out on Oxygen tonight and be as surprised as I am how good this show is!


Shilpa Shetty shows her little sister
March 27th, 2007 under Celeb Oops. [ Comments: 7 ]

Want to see the NSFW version, then click here!


Heather Mills thinks all ballroom dancers are gay
March 27th, 2007 under Dancing with the Stars, Heather Mills. [ Comments: 1 ]

Earthtimes has this quote from Heathers Mills about her partner on Dancing with the Stars, '"I asked for a gay guy. I said, I haven't had a date in 10 months and yet I have been associated with all these different people, which is rubbish'. Jonathan turned up and I said, 'Well, he doesn't look gay'. I said, 'Are you gay?' And he said, 'No, I'm not, I'm married…' He's just a great person.'

See even more proof she is such a bitch. I wish she would go tonight, but her numbers are way too high. I think it will be Shandi because her numbers are too low and she is not as well known as that basketball player.


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