Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Jeff Goldblum is afraid, very afraid
March 1st, 2007 under Jeff Goldblum. [ Comments: 1 ]

Jeff Goldblum won a permanent restraining order Wednesday against a woman he claims has stalked him for years and appeared outside his house numerous times. The order issued by a Superior Court judge says Linda Ransom must stay at least 100 yards from the 54-year-old actor, his home, workplace and vehicle. "The matter is now in the hands of law enforcement," said Goldblum's attorney, Blair Berk. In court papers filed Feb. 7, Goldblum said he did not know the 44-year-old woman. He claimed she had visited his home more than 50 times in recent months in what he called an "escalating pattern of harassing, threatening, and stalking behavior" since 2001. Goldblum also said Ransom parked her car across his driveway, blocking him from going in and out of his house, and allegedly sent him threatening letters. In a six-page declaration to the court, Ransom stated she met Goldblum in 1999 at an acting school where Goldblum teaches and talked to him about a screenplay she was working on. On several occasions, she said she went to city venues where he played with his jazz band. Ransom said she made repeated visits to Goldblum's house to "support my efforts to complete my research and screenplay as accurate as possible."

CBS News (story) and Celebrity Puke (photo)

Why would anyone stalk him? I never thought he was hot, and to think he was once a sex symbol.  


Paul McCartney and Heather Mills’ first court date.
March 1st, 2007 under Paul McCartney/Heather Mills. [ Comments: 1 ]

Paul McCartney and his estranged wife, Heather Mills McCartney, appeared in London's High Court on Thursday for a preliminary hearing in their divorce case. Mills McCartney, 38, said nothing as she arrived at the courthouse for the closed door session. The 64-year-old former Beatle arrived at the court's backdoor soon after. McCartney whistled and snapped his fingers as he left the building after the two-hour hearing, flashing a peace sign to photographers stationed outside the court's parking lot before being driven off in a waiting car. Mills McCartney left through a backdoor about 30 minutes later.


Sounds like it went better for him. Hopefully the Judge banned her from being on Dancing with the Stars, but I doubt I got that lucky. 


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