Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Hot Links!
March 14th, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who left the gym looking that? – ICYDK
Is this why Eddie Murphy lost The Oscar? – Celebitchy
Who got so drunk they puked in public? – The Evil Beet
Which celebrity is doing what drugs? – I'm Not Obsessed

Did The Beckhams find their LA home? – Celebrity Warship
Britney Spears finds another K-Fed in rehab? – Pop on the Pop
What Hollywood trend is Jessica Simpson giving into? – The Blemish
Who was too drunk to fly? – Allie is Wired
Fergie does Maxim – Monica Monroe Gossip

Guess who got out of jail today? – Ninja Dude
Why is Tonya Harding in the news again? – Dlisted

Duran Duran scrapped their album when Andy Taylor left
March 14th, 2007 under Duran Duran. [ Comments: none ]

According to The Sun, Duran Duran was forced to scrap their almost completed album when Andy Taylor quit the band.
Nick Rhodes discussed what has been going since Andy left in October, “The album had to be scrapped when five became four. We started again and now we’re nearly there. We’ve got one track left that needs a girl’s voice on it. We’re tying to work something out with NELLY FURTADO.” I wonder why he didn't mention if they worked with Justin Timberlake and Timbaland on the new album because that is the rumor why Andy quit the band? 
The other thing that The Sun mentioned about the new album is that they are going back to their New Wave roots!!! Now I am officially looking forward to this album because I really miss their old stuff.

Vegas knows how to implode a building!
March 14th, 2007 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

OK, so there was this guy who got me into to watching implosions and I have to admit this one is my favorite! Yesterday Las Vegas imploded the legendary Stardust hotel and man they did it in style! You seriously have to watch this all the way through because you get fireworks and a countdown on the building itself. The Stardust can say it went out in style…Vegas style baby!!!


Rate the American Idol performances!!!
March 14th, 2007 under American Idol 6. [ Comments: none ]

(photo credit Frank Micelotta/FOX)
So are you like me and after watching American Idol all you want to do is rate the performances, well there is a site you can now do that!!! Go to Entertainment.Wikia and watch the performances and rate them. Plus you can check to see how we rate the contestants as compared to the judges and you will be surprised what we all think!!! Plus you get to watch the performances you want without commercials! 
I actually think this site is cooler than the show, but then again how hard is that this season? 

NY anchor fired for sleeping on the job
March 14th, 2007 under Odd. [ Comments: 17 ]

Steve Bartelstein has run out of second chances at WABC/Ch. 7. The anchor, who has messed up several times on the job only to get another shot, was fired after sleeping through a newsbreak he was to anchor last Thursday morning on the horrific Bronx house fire. He was in his Ch. 7 office at the time. "He is no longer with the station, and no longer with 'Eyewitness News,'" a station spokesman said yesterday. It was a stunning move, considering that Bartelstein has been a major player on the station's top-rated early-morning newscast alongside Lori Stokes and weathercaster Bill Evans. One indiscretion on Bartelstein's part might have been overlooked, but there were others. In November, he was suspended for several days after showing up for work 20 minutes after the morning news began. A year before that, Bartelstein was sidelined for two weeks after showing up late for work and for missing a newsbreak, reportedly so that he could meet Samuel L. Jackson, who was appearing on "Live With Regis & Kelly." And there was an ugly sexual-harassment suit that was withdrawn. Despite the issues, management gave Bartelstein a new contract last June that spelled out the consequences if he slipped up again. Station insiders said Bartelstein's latest goof put Plotnik and general manager Dave Davis in a tough spot. Giving him another chance would have made it look like there was a double standard at the station. Still, the firing is troubling for many at Ch. 7 – one labeled it a "bombshell" – because outside of a proclivity for missing deadlines, Bartelstein was generally well liked.

NY Daily News 

 I am shocked that WABC kept him as long as they did with all that he did. 


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