Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Who shot a scene in their underwear?
March 30th, 2007 under Celeb Oops. [ Comments: 3 ]

Want to see the actress from the front, then click here!


Naveen Andrews give his son his testicles
March 30th, 2007 under Lost. [ Comments: none ]

Naveen Andrews who is starring in Planet Terror in Grindhouse decided to take a keepsake home with him when he was done filming the movie. So what did he take, well according to Female First, "My character collects body parts and displays them in glass jars. I kept the balls and gave them to my 15-year-old son. He was thrilled. Now he has a pair of zombie balls in his bedroom." What father doesn't want to give his son his balls. And what son doesn't want to display them. Now I wonder what Naveen has given his son from Lost?


Being single ages Britney Spears
March 30th, 2007 under Britney Spears. [ Comments: none ]

When I first saw that picture of Britney Spears, I no idea it was her. It is just a horrible shot. There is nothing positive to say about this picture, that shawl, that purse, that dress, that wig, that freaking hat and finally her face just looks aged and psycho. Can you find something positive to say about her in this picture?

Justin Timberlake supporting Britney?
March 30th, 2007 under Justin/Cameron. [ Comments: none ]

What is up with Justin Timberlake getting a Britney and shaving his head? That is just not a good look for him. Maybe he can borrow a wig from Britney Spears while he waiting for his to grow back. 

Chris Sligh’s ego as big as his waistline
March 30th, 2007 under American Idol 6. [ Comments: none ]

According to The Greenville News Chris Sligh says that he wanted to quit American Idol two weeks ago, but only stayed to be part of the tour. "I never came into this wanting to win it, I made the Top Ten. That was my goal." So why did he want to quit, "When I was pretty much universally trashed for my arrangement of 'Endless Love,' I kind of thought, 'You know? This isn't really the competition for me,' Actually, I almost dropped out that week. I wanted to make the tour," So why did he say, "I wanted to be able to make music for my living, so I don't have to work at the marketing company that I was working at. It doesn't matter who is going to place ahead of me. What matters is the fact that I reached the goal that I really wanted to make."
Sligh also feels that he did not deserve the criticism he got for doing The Police, "It wasn't a great performance, but, honestly, it was not as bad as what the judges made it seem. As soon as they gave me the spanking they did, I kind of knew that I was going home." He also feels the Judges didn't get him, "I think the judges had a hard time understanding it. It's like they didn't really understand where I was coming from. They never commented on my voice, which I think was a bit frustrating for me."
I say dump his fat a$$ from the tour.  Maybe this is why Idol is as bad as it is this year because these are not people who want to win it, these are just people who want to be household names. 
Now back to Sligh, for him to say that his style was not what the Judges liked, neither was Chris Daughtry's and look where he is. Sligh will be going back to his job at that marketing company because who would want to sign him now. He was not good and only stayed on because of his personality. I thought he was being funny with his attitude, but seems it was all attitude. I really hope they scold him for his comments in this interview and drop him from the tour. They need to give it to people who want to be there, not this guy. Bye bye Chris Sligh bye bye.

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