Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Mel B’s spicy baby shower!!!
March 16th, 2007 under Spice Girls. [ Comments: none ]

Mel B friends know how to throw a baby shower! Instead of your typical yawnfest baby shower, her friends hired a stripper to help her celebrate the impending birth of what we all think is Eddie Murphy's baby. No word if any of the Spice Girls were there partying with Scary Spice, but looks like they missed out.
And yes according to The Sun that is champagne in her hand, and they she said she only had a sip. I hope that is true because that will open a whole new can of worms that no one would want open. 

A cat-astrophic live shot!!!
March 16th, 2007 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

The Follow-up

Thanks Leslie!!!

OMG! That is way too funny and I totally respect the reporter for going on with the live shot. I know if that were me, I would be using a bunch of 4 letter words when the cat grabbed my head like that. My cat did that to me when I took her to the vet and let me tell it hurts like he!!.
Now back to the reporter when will reporters learn don’t mess with animals even if you think it will help the shot…it never does and the video will end up on YouTube! What did we do before YouTube?


Guess who is bending over?
March 16th, 2007 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who is sporting the Grizzly Adams look, then click here!


Ms. Michael Jackson
March 16th, 2007 under Michael Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

When Michael Jackson jets into London, the last thing he wants is to be spotted by his adoring fans. So the singer will usually do everything he can to ensure that his whereabouts are kept top secret even if it means pretending to be woman. He was so desperate not to be found that he checked into west London's posh Jumeirah Carlton Tower hotel under a woman's name. Wacko, 48, is currently holed up in the £3,000-a-night presidential suite on the 18th floor of the five-star hotel on Cadogan Place. But the staff there weren't exactly over the moon(walk) to see him. Since he has been there he has thrown the place into chaos. Jacko would certainly give J Lo a good run for her money on the diva stakes by bringing a team of 10 security guards to look after him and his two kids – Prince, 10, and nine-year-old Paris Michael – on their whistlestop visit to London, which will end on Sunday. He has placed two scary bouncers by the lift doors on the 18th floor around the clock to make sure that nobody outside his entourage can get any access to them. Our man with the tray added: "We have many big stars staying here, but Michael is very fussy. He has his own waiter and they stay with him the whole time. "He has a massive group with him and they are taking up the whole top floor of the place and making our jobs difficult… because it is all top secret and we have to make sure that nobody knows he is here." Jacko had one staff member in such a tizzy she was tearfully overheard saying: "I was so worried, I couldn't find this place, I am scared that I am late and going to get into trouble." While he is maybe staying in one of London's poshest places, it was evident his bankruptcy fears have not yet gone away – because staff at the Carlton moaned about how he isn't exactly the most generous of tippers. One said: "Madonna always gives us money, Jacko hasn't yet."
This is London (story) and Daily Mail (photo)  
Michael Jackson is rumored to be in London to go over selling the Beatles rights back to the remaining Beatles. Another thing Paul McCartney is doing to screw Heather Mills out of something that is not rightfully hers.
And back to Michael Jackson signing in as a Ms at the hotel at least he is finally comfortable with what he has become…took long enough.

Who really loves himself?
March 16th, 2007 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Think you know who deserves the kiss off, then click here!


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