Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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Run Suri Run
March 20th, 2007 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri. [ Comments: none ]

Tidbits by TJ (check the site for even more cute photos)
I so got a cavity from those pictures!
Hopefully now that she has mastered walking, she will master running away soon. 

Thank G-d Janice Dickinson wears underwear
March 20th, 2007 under Celeb Oops. [ Comments: none ]

Flynet Online (they also have a close-up her crotch which I decided to spare you from) 
You know if one of her models were photographed like that, she would rip them a new one. And ewww

Adam Sandler fills in for a sick David Letterman
March 20th, 2007 under Adam Sandler, David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]

David Letterman for the first time since he has been doing Late Night went home sick and had to pass off hosting duties to one of his guests. Luckily for him Adam Sandler was scheduled and I hear made a perfect fill-in. Sandler was there with his co-star Don Cheadle from Reign Over Me and I hear the two of them even sing a duet. I wonder if Sandler is considering this as a future career?

BTW according to AP David Letterman went home with the stomach flu. Hopefully he will get better soon!


Keanu Reeves had a run in with a paparazzi?
March 20th, 2007 under Keanu Reeves. [ Comments: 1 ]

Keanu Reeves was behind the wheel of a Porsche that allegedly grazed a celebrity photographer standing in the path of the sports car, investigators said Tuesday. The photographer fell to the ground and paramedics were called after Reeves' car allegedly struck the man at 7:30 p.m. Monday, said Deputy Ed Hernandez of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. The photographer, whose name wasn't released, was taken to a local hospital for treatment of unknown injuries, Hernandez said. Reeves, 42, wasn't hurt. "He grazed a paparazzi standing in front of his Porsche and the man fell to the ground," Hernandez said. It wasn't known how fast the Porsche was traveling at the time. Reeves was leaving a parking space in the Avenida Tranquila residential area near Los Verdes County Golf Course, he said. Reeves' lawyer, Jay Lavely, said Tuesday that the incident "appears to have been brought on more by the actions of the paparazzo than by the actions of Mr. Reeves." "The paparazzo, who had followed Mr. Reeves to Palos Verdes, was standing in front of Mr. Reeves' car blocking his way when Mr. Reeves got into his car to leave. Mr. Reeves assumed that he would move away when he started to slowly inch the car away from the curb," Lavely said. "If Mr. Reeves' car did accidentally come in contact with the paparazzo, it certainly was not hard enough to injure him in any way or to knock him to the ground. It appeared as if the paparazzo was trying to cause this type of encounter." The Sheriff's Department was investigating the incident. Lavely said Reeves was cooperating fully with authorities and "will also consider his own legal rights concerning the matter."

AP (story) and Flynet Online (file photo)

I never get why the paparazzi stand in the way of the car when they are driving away, what is the shot that they think they are going to get? 


Another reason why I love How I Met Your Mother!!!
March 20th, 2007 under How I Met Your Mother. [ Comments: none ]

How I Met Your Mother’s MySpace
This is an extended clip of the last scene from last night’s HIMYM! OMG! I wish they aired it all last night because the names that didn’t make the Top 10 are funnier than the ones that did. Kind of like David Letterman’s Top Ten.
If you are not watching How I Met Your Mother, start watching it on Monday at 8p on CBS you will laugh out loud for almost the whole half hour!!!


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