Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2007 » March
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NOW not happy with ANTM
March 23rd, 2007 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from ONTD)
TV Guide is saying that the NY National Organization for Women is not too happy with America's Next Top Model's photoshoot from Wednesday's show. The photoshoot consisted of the models posing as crime scene photos. One model was electrocuted, another strangled, another one had her organs removed, another shot in the head, you get the idea, I thought the photos were gross and not fashion, but I like paparazzi photo so what do I know. Here is how NOW felt, "Violence against women is such a reality in our society that I certainly don't need the entertainment industry making entertainment out of it." They also said,"supremely ironic" for a show "geared toward women and about women, and about glamour." I so have to agree with them on this one. I miss the good old days on ANTM when the shoots were normal the last two years have been over the top and have not shown the models at their best. 

Mel Gibson’s rants are back
March 23rd, 2007 under Mel Gibson. [ Comments: 1 ]


TMZ has learned Mel Gibson exploded in anger last night on a college campus after an expert on Mayan culture accussed him of racially stereotyping the Mayans in the movie "Apocalypto." Mel Gibson It happened last night at Cal State University at Northridge in the San Fernando Valley. Gibson was speaking to a film class about his movies, and several members of the Mayan community came to hear the famous director. After Gibson's presentation, the crowd was allowed to ask questions. Alicia Estrada, an Assistant Professor of Central American Studies at CSUN, challenged Gibson, asking him if he had read about the Mayan culture before shooting the controversial film. Gibson said he had. Mel Gibson Estrada persisted, stating that representations in the movie that the Mayans engaged in sacrificial ceremonies and had bloodthirsty tendencies were both wrong and racist. Estrada and others tell TMZ that Gibson exploded in anger, responding, "Lady, F**k off." Mel Gibson We're told Gibson also became extremely angry when members of the Mayan community protested on how they were portrayed in the film. The emotional Mayan members were escorted out of the room, and we're told Gibson screamed a parting shot — "Make your own movie!" Gibson's publicist, Howard Rubenstein, told TMZ, "He needs more anger management training. It's time to be cool."


I wonder if he has been yelling at his publicist and that is why he responded the way he did?


Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet together again
March 23rd, 2007 under Leonardo DiCaprio. [ Comments: 4 ]

Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet have both signed on to do Revolutionary Road. Variety reports that the Sam Mendes film is about "heart-rending and bleak tome, celebrated for its storytelling style, follows a seemingly happy suburban couple with two children in the mid-1950s who find themselves caught between their true desires and the pressure to conform — with explosive consequences." The two have not worked together since Titanic and it will be interesting if we will be able to see them as anything but Jack and Rose. 
And if this movie has them go 30 years into the future does that mean their next movie together will be based in the '80s? 

Hot Links!
March 22nd, 2007 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who has too much time on their hands? – INO
When will we find what killed Anna Nicole Smith? – ICYDK
Are Carmen Electra and Joan Jett a couple? – Celebitchy
Want to bid on Anna Nicole Smith's diaries? – Yeeeah!
Who checked into rehab now? – Pop on the Pop
Neil Patrick Harris tells a major TMI – BWE
Guess who found G-d? – Celebrity Warship

What is Lindsay Lohan smoking? – Ninja Dude
What got Naomi Watts all twisted up? – MMG
What did Britney Spears stop today? – The Blemish
What did Leonardo Dicaprio ask Bar Rafeali? – Allie is Wired
What did Dina Loha say about Lindsay today? – The Evil Beet
What type of business is Tara Reid getting into to? – Buzznet
Who does Carlos Mencia's routine sound like now? – CollegeHumor
Louis van Amstel blogs about the DWTS4 rumors – LvA's MySpace
Time to vote to save your favorite bubble show – Watch with Kristin
How much money did K-Fed get from the divorce settlement? – Dlisted

Why is Felicity Huffman dressed like that? – Celeb Gossip Junkie

More creepy photos of Michael Jackson
March 22nd, 2007 under Michael Jackson. [ Comments: 4 ]

So who is that boy with Michael Jackson? According to Celebrity Warship that his nephew, Tito's son. The pictures were taken to promote his nephew's group 3T.
I don't know about you, but those pictures gross me out. They are just so wrong. I need to take shower after looking at those pictures.

UPDATE: So the pictured nephew is TJ, Kim Kardashian’s High School boyfriend.
Thanks Sarit for the update!


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