Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel asks Randy Jackson that burning question…
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel asks Randy Jackson that burning question…
January 11th, 2012 under American Idol 9+, Jimmy Kimmel

(starts at 3:30in)

When Simon Cowell announced that The X Factor had hired LA Reid to judge on the show, we all Googled him to see what he looked like and were shocked to find out he looks just like Randy Jackson. Well Simon’s new singing competition has come and gone and no one asked the only American Idol judge what he thought about his clone on the Idol clone show. That was until yesterday when Jimmy Kimmel did with side-by-side pictures of the two men and his reaction was classic to the second group of pictures.
My hat is off to Kimmel for asking what we all wanted to know. Although I didn’t need to know that the ABC host saw Ryan Seacrest naked and describe what it was like.


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