Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ellen DeGeneres stings Teri Hatcher
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[ # ] Ellen DeGeneres stings Teri Hatcher
July 7th, 2010 under Desperate Housewives, Ellen DeGeneres, Teri Hatcher

So Teri Hatcher was The Ellen DeGeneres Show and the Desperate Housewife she told to her that once a year thousands of bees attack her house and because of that she is afraid of bees. Well Ellen being Ellen did something that has left a stinger in Teri for years to come. You have to watch to see what she does because it will have you buzzing about it for days!
BTW as you will see in the replay, there was one final sting for Teri because as she suspected she did have an upskirt. Good thing she for her and us was wearing underwear at the time.


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