Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Julianne Hough cutting her Footloose for Dancing with the Stars?
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[ # ] Is Julianne Hough cutting her Footloose for Dancing with the Stars?
May 4th, 2010 under Dancing with the Stars, Julianne Hough

(photo from Hollywood Reporter)

Access Hollywood is reporting that two-time champ Julianne Hough is thinking of returning to Dancing with the Stars in the fall. Sounds like if she does opt to do the show and the ABC show takes her back, it will be hard for her to do the remake of Footloose that everyone seems to be dropping out of. So why would she drop out of doing a big screen remake for TV’s new #1 show? I am assuming she is getting ready to release her second album and what better way to promote it than to do DWTS. Afterall the rumor is that the people behind Footloose are looking to replace the role that was vacated by Zac Efron and Chace Crawford with an unknown, plus the script has be rewritten and the director quit and with that many changes the movie sounds like it is going to fail big time. So after taking two seasons off from the dancing show, it looks like it is time for her to put on her dancing shoes again and remind us who she is before she becomes like most of the Stars on the show…a has been!


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